Friday, August 31, 2007

50% sale!!!

OMG 50% off! Here's the details. On September the 7th, we'll be closing the stores to set up, and we'll reopen 7 AM SLT on the 8th! Everything, excluding already discounted items, will be put up for 50%. All this will be leading up to a huge release of 100+ items from Sh*t Happens, and who knows how many from Darkstar Designs. We will be closing 6PM SLT on the 15th, and reopening with 8573895735 releases at NOON SLT on the 16th.

Here's a sneak peek from Sh*t Happens' release.
This is a hoodie :O One of MANY to come. It has sculptie parts (thanks to Snookie!), and cute patterns and 100% unisex!

Reminder: The contest ends TODAY at midnight, please hand in your entries if you wanna enter and be in my NEW release ads!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It pays to read the blog..

It sure does.

The first 10 people to IM me going "Anars is kewl" will recieve a free outfit of their choice. (includin' the fellas).

<33 Anars. p.s. i'll edit this post to say when all 10 people have IMed me. So until you see that, you can IM me for an outfit!

EDIT: All 10 people IMed me :) Thanks everyone <3


I realized I might've gone overboard with the pricing of my newer outfits, the Mafia Ho and pimp, so I lowered it to 125L for the men's, and 150L for the women's (women's includes an extra set of pants.).

Also, I put these outfits out at some of my rentals, as well. So they can be found there. :)

<3 Anars.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Releases!! (GUY STUFF!)

AHHH! New stuff :D

First I wanna remind everyone about the contest!

*NOTE* This is a GROUP exclusive. You MUST be in the group to participate!

What does it entail?

Basically ALL you need to do is send me a folder named (YOUR NAME - Contest for Sept.) In the folder you need to include snapshots (NOT PHOTOSHOPPED PLEASE) of yourself wearing something, anything, from sh*t Happens. I need at least one body shot, and one face shot. (You may include as many as you would like.) I also would like you to include a notecard about yourself, what makes you you, your favorite music, why YOU should be the face of Sh*t Happens, ANYTHING you wanna add to it! I'm looking for YOUR personality!

What are you looking for?:

UNIQUENESS! I want a funky fresh look, funky skin, different shape. (Tall, short, chubby, skinny.) ANYTHING goes!


The winner will get their best snapshot on my store wall (I'm making a "Sh*t Happens Wall of Fame) as well as you model in ALL my ads for that month! Not only do you keep all the things you model, you also will get 1k in money, and a 500L giftcard to Sh*t Happens!

When is it due by?:

I need your folder in by August 31st, 2007, midnight SLT. I will announce the winner within a day or two after that. (Depending on the entries).

Onto the releases!

MAFIA HO: Lady version of Mafia pimp. This includes: Shirt, shirt rolls, vest, bottom of shirt, pants, capris, capri rolls, and fedora. This outfit is only 175L. (Hair is Syd by Darkstar Designs, Skin by Miw, Cig by Fnky.)

MAFIA PIMP: This outfit includes: Shirt, shirt rolls, vest, button of the shirt, pants, and a fedora. This outfit is only 150L. (I'm not sure about where the skins and hair comes from inthis picture. I'll have the info up soon.)

SKATER GIRL: This outfit includes: Hoodie, top, hoodie drawstrings, belt, shorts, socks, leg belt, bangles, and shoes. All this for only 225L.

That's all today! These releases are only at my main store for today. (see the links to the right.)

<3 Anars. <3

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Holding my release!

Ack! I ran into a problem tonight! I totally forgot about a RL thing, and I couldn't complete my unisex outfit for tomorrow. :(

No worries, though. I'm going to release both my outfits on monday instead so I can get both out at the same time. (Only one day wait!)

I'm still looking for suggestions on things, leave a comment here or send me a notecard in world. I'll gladly take any kind of suggestion. :)

<3 Ana.

Whee, blogged :)

As i'm sure some of you know, I had a fashion show this past thursday with MODA modeling school. It was such a blast, I wish I had taken pictures of it!

Anyway, the models were fantastic. They came out struttin' their stuff with a fantastic swanky walk, different from the rest of the show.

ANYWAY back to my point. Those lovlies did a blog post about me and I thought, why not direct y'all to their website. I'm sure there's tons of aspiring models reading this.

So just click this and go read.

RELEASES tomorrow! What's coming, you ask? One girly outfit, and one UNISEX outfit. (Yes, that's right fellas. Time for you to get one too!)

<3 Anars.

Friday, August 24, 2007

First post!

Yay! Finally, a blog!

How exciting is this? Okay, not really, but we can pretend at least. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to make a little disclaimer that this blog is for Sh*t Happens updates, and personal finds I want to share with you all. No drama or anything like that. But if you wish for me to check something out, just hit me up in world with an LM and stuff, and if I like it, i'll post it!

Now I was never one for long blog posts, so I hope you all don't mind.

But here's my buisness info:
Yes, I do customs. Just ask, and i'll give you reasonable pricing. (I never charge too much because i'm not in it for the money, I just love creating.)
I will do gifts, just IM me or buy one of my giftcards.
TO REDEEM GIFTCARDS (How do they work?):
Simply IM me, give me the giftcard, and I will either refund the money (if you already bought it), or give you the item of your choosing.
Refunds: I don't do refunds on items because most of my items are NO TRANSFER.
I do take suggestions as well. If you suggest it, and I make it, i'll give you a free copy of the outfit.

Any and all questions, just direct them to me. I am the only owner of Sh*t Happens, anyone who says they are an owner, are lying.

Update group!
Join the Sh*t Happens update group for free! You get updates every sunday, sales exclusive to group members only every week, and group exclusive freebies and contests! It's worth the group slot, I swear!

That's it from me for now!
XoXoXoX (So cheesey.)
..Ana Boogiewoogie..